Mission Number 239


  1. Date: 29 June 1945
  2. Target: West Shimonoseki Straits, Maizuru and Sakata
  3. Participating Unit: 313th BW
  4. Number A/C Airborne: 29
  5. % A/C Bombing Primary: 83.25% (25 A/C)
  6. Type of Mines Planted: MK25 2000# and MK26-36 1000# mines, with various settings. 
  7. Tons of Mines Dropped: 165 tons
  8. Time Over Primary: 0121K - 0243K
  9. Altitude of Attack: 4,200 - 8,500
  10. Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 10/10
  11. Total A/C Lost: 0 
  12. Resume of Mission: Of the 225 mines dropped, 215 were believed to be effective in continuing the blockade of the Straits and mining the harbors.  Flak was heavy, medium, meager to moderate and inaccurate.  Four A/C were non-effective.  Four E/A sighted made no attacks.  One B-29 landed at Iwo Jima.  Average mine load: 13,084 lbs. Average fuel reserve: 708 gallons. 




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