Mission Number 184


  1. Date:  27 May 1945
  1. Code Name:  Starvation #16
  1. Target:  Shimonoseki Straits, Fishiki, Fukuoka, and Karatsu
  1. Participating Unit:  313th Bombardment Wing
  1. Number A/C Airborne:  30
  1. % A/C Bombing Primary:  96.57%  (29 A/C)
  1. Time Over Primary:  270132K  - 270330K
  1. Altitude of Attack:  5900  - 8200
  1. Weather Over Target:  0/10  - 3/10
  1. Total A/C Lost:  0
  1. Resume of Mission:  194 Mk-25 mines and 12 Mk-36 mines were dropped in primary fields, with 198 of these reported as effective.  One B-29 was non-effective.  Two B-29’s were damaged by A/A.  Five E/A were sighted and made 1 attack.  No claims.  One A/C landed at Iwo Jima and 1 at Okinawa.  Average Mine Load:  13,441 lbs.  Average Fuel Reserve:  609 gallons.





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