Mission Number 112


  1. Date:  27 April 1945
  2. Code Name: Checkbook #7
  3. Target:  Kanoya A/F 90.38-1378
  4. Participating Unit:  314th Bombardment Wing
  5. Number A/C Airborne: 21
  6. % A/C Bombing Primary: 95.20%  (20 A/C)
  7. Time Over Primary: 270953K - 270955K
  8. Altitude of Attack:  16,000 - 17,020
  9. Weather Over Target:  clear - light haze
  10. Total A/C Lost: 0
  11. Resume of Mission: Bombing results  - crews reported excellent.  Two patterns of   bursts on field and in hangar area.  Enemy air opposition heavy and aggressive, phosphorus bombs used  - 51 attacks reported for Missions 112 and   113.  AA heavy, meager to moderate, inaccurate to accurate.  One forced to ditch due to damage by AA and enemy action, two enemy aircraft were damaged with none destroyed or probably destroyed.  Average bomb load 10,700 lbs.  Average gas reserve 727 gallons.







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