Mission Number 108


  1. Date: 27 April 1945
  2. Code Name: Bullish #5
  3. Target:  Izumi A/F 90.37-2512
  4. Participating Unit:  73rd Bombardment Wing
  5. Number A/C Airborne:  22
  6. % A/C Bombing Primary:  95.34% (21 A/C)
  7. Time Over Primary: 270946K - 271045K
  8. Altitude of Attack:  15,800 - 17,700
  9. Weather Over Target:  clear to 2/10
  10. Total A/C Lost: 1
  11. Resume of Mission:  Bombing results - crews reported excellent, strike photos show two excellent patterns on field - hits visible in various buildings in shop area.  Runway cratered at south end.  Enemy air opposition - 30 attacks some aggressive and coordinated.  Enemy aircraft destroyed one, probably destroyed one and one damaged.  AA heavy, meager and inaccurate.  One aircraft lost on return, crew bailed out over Agrigan with eleven out of twelve crewmembers rescued.  Average bomb load 9,146 lbs.  Average gas reserve 975 gallons.






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