Mission Number 69


  1. Date:  15 April 1945
  2. Code Name:  Arrange #1
  3. Target:  Tokyo Urban Area  - 90.17-3601
  4. Participating Units:  73rd Bombardment Wing
  5. Number A/C Airborne:  118
  6. % A/C Bombing Primary:  92%  (109 A/C)
  7. Time Over Primary:  152325K  - 160055K
  8. Altitude of Attack:  8,000 - 10,110
  9. Weather Over Target:  Clear  to  3/10
  10. Total A/C Lost:  1
  11. Resume of Mission:  Low level incendiary attack on Tokyo urban Area.  Bombing results:  144,680,000 square feet or 5.2 square miles destroyed as a result of missions 68 and 69.  Total damage to date is 909,826,000 square feet or 32.74 square miles.  Nine aircraft non-effective.  One aircraft crash landed at Iwo Jima on return.  Enemy air opposition slight - 22 attacks.  One enemy aircraft was destroyed with none probably destroyed or damaged, Several "Balls of Fire" noted.  AA heavy and medium, meager to   intense, inaccurate to accurate.  Average bomb load 14,784 lbs.  Average gas reserve   893 gallons.





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