Mission Number 59


  1. Date:  7 April 1945
  2. Code Name:  Eradicate #7
  3. Target:  Mitsubishi A/C Engine Plant, Nagoya 90.20-193
  4. Participating Units: 313th and 314th Bombardment Wings
  5. Number A/C Airborne:  194
  6. % A/C Bombing Primary:  78%  (155 primary and 29 Last Resort)
  7. Time Over Primary:  071200K  - 071354K
  8. Altitude of Attack:  16,000 - 25,000
  9. Weather Over Target:  CAVU - 2/10
  10. Total A/C Lost:  2
  11. Resume of Mission:  Bombing results   excellent, post strike photography shows   Target virtually destroyed  -3,584,100 square feet of roof area destroyed or damaged representing 94% of original roof area.  Ten aircraft returned early.  One aircraft lost to   AA and one aircraft lost to enemy action.  Enemy air opposition heavy, ineffective, unaggressive - 233 attacks.  Enemy aircraft destroyed twenty-one, probably destroyed 11 and twenty-two damaged.  AA heavy, moderate to intense, inaccurate to accurate.  Average bomb load 313th Wing 8,776 lbs and 314th Wing 8,993 lbs.  Average gas reserve 313th Wing 975 gallons and 314th Wing 754 gallons.





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