Mission Number 36


  1. Date: 18 February 1945
  2. Code Name: Panhandle #5
  3. Target: Truk Airfields One and Two
  4. Participating Units: 313th Bombardment Wing
  5. Number A/C Airborne: 3 6
  6. % A/C Bombing Primary: 100%
  7. Time Over Primary: 181227K - 181340K
  8. Altitude of Attack: 24,000 - 25,900
  9. Weather Over Target: 1/10  - 4/10
  10. Total A/C Lost: 0
  11. Resume of Mission: Bombing results poor.  Slight cratering of runways.  AA and enemy air opposition nil.  Average bomb load 9492 lbs.  Average gas reserve 1335 gallons.





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